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 Bass Tab Scales, Arpeggios and Modes for the Bass Guitar 

Book I The Blues in 12 keys  -bass tab edition.

Book II Rhythm changes in 12 keys - bass tab edition

Bass tab scales, arpeggios and modes exercises in the key of F  with fingerings for

the bass guitar.

STANDARD LINES      The Chord Scale relationship method

Book III in the Constructing Walking Jazz Bass Lines 

Series.  For the  ELECTRIC BASSIST 

The following exercises outline the modes  and the chord scale 

relationships in the key of F  over 2 octaves.


constructing walking jazz bass lines book III bass tab edition jazz bass lines over standard jazz chord progressions jazz bass tabs9781937187156

constructing walking jazz bass lines book III bass tab edition jazz bass lines over standard jazz chord progressions jazz bass tabs9781937187156 a

constructing walking jazz bass lines book III bass tab edition jazz bass lines over standard jazz chord progressions jazz bass tabs9781937187156e

constructing walking jazz bass lines book III bass tab edition jazz bass lines over standard jazz chord progressions jazz bass tabs9781937187156f

Bass tab scales, arpeggios and modes exercises in the key of C  with fingerings for bass guitar.

The following exercises outline the modes in the key of C and the 

related scales and arpeggios over 2 octaves.


bass guitar lessons, bass tab scales arpeggios and modes, jazz bass tab basstab.net constructing walking jazz bass lines modes in 12 keys bass tab edition ex1


bass guitar lessons, bass tab scales arpeggios and modes, jazz bass tab basstab.net constructing walking jazz bass lines modes in 12 keys bass tab edition ex2jpeg

bass guitar lessons, bass tab scales arpeggios and modes, jazz bass tab basstab.net constructing walking jazz bass lines modes in 12 keys bass tab edition ex3

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